Stickies Skins

Skins change the way that notes look, and the buttons available. To create your own skin, use Stickies Skinner


by Cynthia

Date: 21/06/2015
Downloads: 2694
Includes stack skin: Yes


This skin owes its existence to Pixel Notepad seen at DeviantArt.

Taxi has its own stack skin intended to be used near its minimum size. There is an invisible User 2 button between the 9th and 10th rings which controls the color of the title when the note is rolled up, dark or light, whichever you prefer.

Mouse around between the first 10 rings, and you'll see tool tips for a few buttons. Taxi also has various indicators will show up for just cause. An edit title button is found to the left of the title near the left edge. A roll up button is found to the right of the title just southeast of the first ring.

A roll down button is found at the top and center of the rolled icon.
