Stickies Skins

Skins change the way that notes look, and the buttons available. To create your own skin, use Stickies Skinner

Stickies in Office 2003 style

by Joachim Neumann

Date: 19/01/2014
Downloads: 2213


Office 2003 skin with 2 toolbars buttons & scroll bar, minimal size: 329x150
(toolbar) new, store, save, attach, edit title, insert date, undo, redo, cut, copy, paste
style, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough,font, left, center,right, no bullets,standard bullets, number bullets, character bullets)
support: (on titlebar) rolled/unrolled, delete, toggle on-top, manage, close ;
status shown: (on titlebar) on top, alarm, sent ok, attached;
when content is locked only the main toolbar visible (new, store, save, attach, edit title)
(at bottom) sender name, modified